Often when we work together, conflict can be unavoidable because of differences in personalities and work styles. Master Human Resources provides a short guideline for Resolving conflict in the workplace.
Make a request with the other person that you set aside a convenient time to meet in private. Preferably in a place where you won’t be interrupted by colleagues.
Choose your words carefully as to avoid flaring tempers. Use terms such as “When you do…” instead of “When this happens …” Use an example of a specific instance instead of speaking in general.
When conversing, do your best to listen intensely and let the other person have their say. Acknowledge the concerns or response of the other person so that they may see you understand their view. Be sure to ask questions to clarify your understanding and reinforce your willingness to see their point of view.
When reviewing the problems, try to prioritize which problem areas are most important to each of you to resolve.
Begin with the most important conflict with your focus on moving forward. Consider setting up a future meeting to review the progress of your mutual resolution
Make sure that you commit to the resolution so that you motivate the other person to do the same. Stick to the planned action and maintain a positive attitude. Show them that you are making a concerted effort.
Furthermore, point out your progress and acknowledge success. Compliment each others contributions and achievements. Hard work will pay off when scheduled discussions eventually give way to ongoing, friendly communication.
Remember that communication is the first step towards solving conflict. Don’t be afraid to make the first move.